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What’s Bigger than God?

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Ephesians 2:13 Yes, at one time you were far away from God, but now in Christ Jesus, you are brought near to him. You are brought near to God through the blood sacrifice of Christ.

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A simple yet powerful law of physics, is that the closer you are to something, the bigger it seems. That’s why the small child standing right next to you, looks so much bigger than the massive truck that you can only just see, half a mile down the road. It’s an optical illusion, a form of visual trickery, if you will.

Indeed, it’s for that very same reason that, sometimes, your problems appear to be much bigger than God. It’s simply a matter of proximity. Remember, the closer something is, the bigger it appears. Sometimes, let’s be honest, we’re much closer to our problems than we are to God. That’s not to say that God’s a million miles away. In fact, quite the opposite:

Yes, at one time you were far away from God, but now in Christ Jesus, you are brought near to him. You are brought near to God through the blood sacrifice of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13)

In other words, that closeness, that proximity to God, is a done deal for anyone who believes in Jesus. God is right here in this place with you, smack bang in the middle of your insurmountable problem. And yet, when we spend all our time focussing on the problem, and little or no time focussing on God, on praying, on reading His Word, resting in Him, waiting on Him – the problem will always seem to be bigger than God.

And that’s an optical illusion that Satan is entirely happy with. It’s a form of trickery, a lie that he’ll try to make you believe. But it’s no more true than believing that the small child is bigger than the massive truck.

Now, when we find ourselves in that place, we have a choice to make; a couple of choices in fact. Firstly, we can decide either to believe the devil’s trickery, or the truth of God’s Word.

Secondly, we can sit there cowering at this massive problem, beating ourselves up at our inability to deal with it, we can be immobilised by the sheer impossibility of overcoming it, or we can draw closer to God, so that we can see the problem in perspective; so that we can see it for what it really is in the light of who God is.

On both counts, the choice is yours.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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