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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Which Way Should I Jump?

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Luke 6:12,13 A few days later, Jesus went out to a mountain to pray. He stayed there all night praying to God. The next morning he called his followers. He chose twelve of them and called them apostles.

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Have you ever found yourself rushing around under pressure, not knowing which way to jump, wondering “Why is this so difficult? How do I make the right decision here? If I get this one wrong, it’ll put me under even more pressure”.

Sometimes we’re faced with big decisions; decisions that can change the course of our lives. Should I marry so-and-so? Should I buy this house? What career path should I choose? Should I take this job or that one? Should I move overseas?

Big decisions can be exciting, but they can be just a tad scary too. Make the wrong choice and … well, the consequences could be disastrous. If only we could know how the different options would play themselves out.

Jesus had a big decision to make; choosing those twelve disciples, men to whom, ultimately, He would entrust the fledgling Christian church – those were some seriously big decisions. The plan was for a new movement to born amidst incredibly tumultuous times, a movement that would survive and thrive for millennia. Hmmm … which ones to choose? How do you make a choice like that? How did Jesus make a choice like that?

Luke 6:12,13 A few days later, Jesus went out to a mountain to pray. He stayed there all night praying to God. The next morning he called his followers. He chose twelve of them and called them apostles.

So He went up to a mountain and He spent the whole night there in prayer to God. And then, when day came, He knew which ones of the many hundreds following Him to choose.

Why did He pray? Because it’s in those quiet, beautiful times alone with God when we just don’t know which choice to make – it’s in those times that we hear His quiet, still, mighty, wonderful voice.

Jesus prayed.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Berni Dymet

What do others think?


I am very happy that Jesus chose ordinary people who remind me of me in some of their behavior. So Jesus prayed all night on one topic. Could I pray effectively for hours on 1 topic? Wouldn’t it be repetitive? If He knows my circumstances how much of it do I tell him? Do I wait in silence to hear an answer? Will I “hear” or will I just think it, and that’s God giving me a message?

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