Wisdom and Wealth
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1 Kings 3:7-9 LORD my God, you have made me the king in my father's place, but I am like a small child. I don't have the wisdom I need to do what I must do. I am your servant here among your chosen people. There are so many that they cannot be counted. So I ask you to give me the wisdom to rule and judge them well and to help me know the difference between right and wrong. Without such great wisdom, it would be impossible to rule this great nation."
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Download audio fileHave you ever felt inadequate, incapable of doing what God has called you to do? If so, you’re not alone. Today, I want to introduce you to a young man who found himself in exactly that situation.
When Solomon was still quite young, he became king of Israel. Imagine, you’re young and inexperienced and all of a sudden, you’re king. Everybody’s looking to you to lead, to guide, to judge. You have the power of life and death over everyone in your kingdom. What a daunting situation for a young person to find themselves in.
So, God appeared to Solomon one night and said to him “Ask me what you want me to give you.”
Wow! God shows up and makes an offer like that. What would I ask for? This is how Solomon answered the Lord:
1 Kings 3:7-9 LORD my God, you have made me the king in my father’s place, but I am like a small child. I don’t have the wisdom I need to do what I must do. I am your servant here among your chosen people. There are so many that they cannot be counted. So I ask you to give me the wisdom to rule and judge them well and to help me know the difference between right and wrong. Without such great wisdom, it would be impossible to rule this great nation.”
A pretty good ask when you think about it. It turns out that God liked it too. And because Solomon asked for wisdom ahead of wealth God said, in effect, I’ll give you both. You’ll have more wisdom than anyone else and more wealth as well.
When we ask God for wisdom before wealth a funny thing tends to happen with that set of priorities. So often the material blessings we didn’t ask for end up tagging on behind.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Jan Smith
Thank you so much for this message yes wisdom is what l will ask for l am new hear and l am so happy l have this all to listen to
deon van der walt
Thank you Berni