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Roma 8:15,16 Sebab kamu tidak menerima roh perbudakan yang membuat kamu menjadi takut lagi, tetapi kamu telah menerima Roh yang menjadikan kamu anak Allah. Oleh Roh itu kita berseru: "ya Abba, ya Bapa!" Roh itu bersaksi bersama-sama dengan roh kita, bahwa kita adalah anak-anak Allah. Dan jika kita adalah anak, maka kita juga adalah ahli waris, maksudnya orang-orang yang berhak menerima janji-janji Allah, yang akan menerimanya bersama-sama dengan Kristus. (TB)
Having done the whole “kids” thing in my younger years, I wasn’t sure how I’d handle becoming a grandfather. Really, it bothered me. But the moment I laid eyes on her, almost three years ago now, my heart was overwhelmed with love for little Olivia.
And that got me to thinking. If a sinner like me could, against the odds, experience such great love for this small child, to the point where I’d gladly lose my own life to save hers if needs be, how much more does God love us – you and me – when He lays His eyes on us.
Romans 8:15,16 The Spirit that we received is not a spirit that makes us slaves again and causes us to fear. The Spirit that we have makes us God’s chosen children. And with that Spirit we cry out, “ Abba, Father.” And the Spirit himself speaks to our spirits and makes us sure that we are God’s children. If we are God’s children, we will get the blessings God has for his people. He will give us all that he has given Christ
Olivia was a sweet, innocent child when she became part of my family. But when God adopts us into His family, we’re anything but, right?
Canadian theologian J.I. Packer put it like this: Adoption is the highest privilege of the Gospel. The traitor is forgiven, brought in for supper and given the family name.
If you believe in Jesus, then that’s what’s happened to you. If you’ve thrown your lot in with Christ, then you are one of God’s children and you’ll receive all the blessings that He has for His people.
Just let that sink in.
Because that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.