... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

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Filipi 3:9 dan berada dalam Dia bukan dengan kebenaranku sendiri karena mentaati hukum Taurat, melainkan dengan kebenaran karena kepercayaan kepada Kristus, yaitu kebenaran yang Allah anugerahkan berdasarkan kepercayaan.

Any husband and wife will tell you that arguments are one thing, but letting that discord fester – you know … that silent treatment that can last for days – is a disaster. It’s the path towards divorce.

In many respects, it’s the same in our relationship with God. There are going to be times when we fail Him. Hopefully there are fewer of those today than perhaps five years ago. And in five years’ time, there’ll be fewer still as we grow more and more like Jesus, amen?!

But if, when we sin against Him, we allow days, weeks, even months to pass by without turning and asking for His forgiveness … then our relationship is at grave risk of falling apart.

If you’re ever in that place, here’s a powerful and encouraging word to remind you that you can always … always! … turn back to Him and ask for His forgiveness.

Philippians 3:9 I want to belong to him. In Christ I am right with God, but my being right does not come from following the law. It comes from God through faith. God uses my faith in Christ to make me right with him.

Our right-standing before God has never and will never come from our ability to do the right thing. Our right-standing before God comes only through our faith in the fact that Jesus died to pay the price of our sin, and rose again to give us a new, eternal life. This is a free gift from our Father in heaven to the children whom He loves.

Never be afraid of turning back to God and asking Him for His forgiveness. That’s why Jesus died for you!

And that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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