... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Together We're Declaring God's Glory Amongst the Nations

September Prayer Focus

The great joy of being part of the ministry of Christianityworks – and if you pray with us, support the work financially or both then you are very much part of this ministry! – is that together we are about God’s business of …

Declaring his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples. (Psalm 96:3).

Because – look around – the world desperately needs to hear about Jesus, amen?!

So thank you for praying with us this month for the lost and the hurting, those who need to hear the good news of salvation in Christ and Christ alone.

Here are some specific prayer points to help you do just that:

      • Give thanks for the many doors that God is opening for Christianityworks to proclaim Christ through the media. Just this month, “A Different Perspective” has started going to air right across the UK on Premier Christian Radio at 4:35 every weekday afternoon … and Coconut FM in Zanzibar has agreed to start broadcasting “Fresh” in Swahili. Amazing! We serve such a mighty God.
      • Pray that as God opens more doors for His glory to shine out amongst the nations, countless more lives would be touched and transformed. Portuguese translation of Fresh has just commenced in Brazil – so please pray for the team there and that the Lord would take those messages far and wide to reach as many of the almost 300 million Portuguese speakers worldwide as possible!
      • Give thanks for our newest ministry team member Amy Strobach as she ministers to those who respond to Christianityworks’ broadcasts in Australia and around the world. May the Lord work mightily through her to touch their lives with his love.
      • Pray for all the persecuted Christians who will hear God’s Word this month through Christianityworks that He may bring them comfort and courage to live out their faith in lands hostile to the Gospel. May the Lord keep them and their families safe from persecution and strong in the knowledge that He is right with them in that place! ..
      • Pray for the more than 30,000 people who visit Christianityworks’ websites each day that they will find the right message for today. May the Lord guide them to His Word and impact them powerfully as the Holy Spirit ministers into their heart and soul. May they never be the same again In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
      • And as always please, continue to pray the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) again and again over Christianityworks …
        Oh Lord, that you would bless us indeed … with Your supernatural blessings, far beyond our expectations and natural abilities.
        That you would enlarge our territory … giving us more capacity, reach and impact, that more lives would be saved + transformed.
        That your mighty hand would be with us … so we would be wholly dependent on you, on your touch of greatness, not on ourselves.
        That you would keep us from evil that we would cause no pain … so that in holiness + love in all that we do, the name of Jesus would be glorified.

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