The Healing Power of God
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Malachi 4:2 But, for my followers, goodness will shine on you like the rising sun. And it will bring healing power like the sun’s rays. You will be free and happy, like calves freed from their stalls.
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Download audio fileOn those dark days in life, those days when you’re struggling even to see how you’re going to make it through until tomorrow, there’s something powerful that God wants to do for you.
I went through a time in my life quite some years ago now, when I was completely broken – a complete wreck. And back then, it seemed as though nothing could heal me. Nothing could ever make me whole. Have you ever had that feeling?
It was around that time, that I met Jesus along my road. His light was so warm and gentle in the midst of my darkness. It was the warmth and the light that I followed.
It’s only as I look back on the long journey since, that I can see how He healed me; how He made me whole again.
Malachi 4:2But, for my followers, goodness will shine on you like the rising sun. And it will bring healing power like the sun’s rays. You will be free and happy, like calves freed from their stalls.
I know that some days are dark and lonely. I know that during those times, you may feel as though nothing can ever make you whole again. But right now, through His Word, God wants to bring healing into your life.
You know that feeling when the sun shines on your face? Do you remember a time when you were delighted, happy, free, jumping like those calves being released from their stalls?
That’s exactly the healing power that the Holy Spirit is speaking into your life right now. Because the Lord your God, the very One who sent Jesus to suffer and die for you, loves you beyond words. May His healing power shine on your face and light up your world this day.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.