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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Two Wrongs Maketh Not a Right

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2 Thessalonians 3:13 Brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.

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Okay, as you may have heard, I was in India recently. It’s a bustling, noisy place. I mean – why not? There are almost 1.4 billion people there and it was wedding season – just that time of year.

So, there were multiple wedding receptions happening in my hotel. One afternoon – my only afternoon off the whole three weeks I was there – everybody on my floor, other than me, belonged to the one wedding party. And the noise was just out of this world. They were excited, right? This was a time to celebrate.

So, I’m trying to get just a bit of rest and kids are running up and down the corridor, people are talking and laughing at the top of their voices.

Not happy!! It was all I could do not to go out there and yell at them. I was sorely tempted I have to tell you. Needless to say, I didn’t get much rest. But the next morning – hah! – my chance came. They obviously got to bed in the wee hours after a long, hard celebration, and I was up not long after heading off to my first speaking gig for the day.

I was so tempted, seriously tempted, to head out into the corridor and sing at the top of my voice. I mean really tempted.

I can chuckle about it now, but back then, the spirit may have been willing but the flesh was seriously weak! I’m only human! Of course, I didn’t do it … only just mind you. It quite possibly wouldn’t have been such a great witness of God’s love and my Christian faith, in this mostly Hindu country.

In any case, they had no idea that I desperately needed some rest on that afternoon. They were celebrating a wedding for crying out loud! Although that doesn’t mean I wasn’t tempted.

Brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good. (2 Thessalonians 3:13)

That’s really easy to read, but when other people are behaving badly, it’s incredibly hard to do. We seem to think that other people’s bad behaviour somehow gives us a license to behave badly as well. We want to stoop down to their level, just as I was tempted to do. But as things turn out, two wrongs maketh not a right.

Brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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