... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Wakey, Wakey

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Mark 13:33-36 Be careful! Always be ready. You don't know when that time will be. "It's like a man who goes on a trip and leaves his house in the care of his servants. He gives each one a special job to do. He tells the servant guarding the door to always be ready. And this is what I am telling you now. You must always be ready. You don't know when the owner of the house will come back. He might come in the afternoon, or at midnight, or in the early morning, or when the sun rises. If you are always ready, he will not find you sleeping, even if he comes back earlier than expected. I tell you this, and I say it to everyone: 'Be ready!'

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Question: When do you expect Jesus to return? When do you expect your life on this earth to end forever? If it happened tonight, would you be ready?

Back in the first century, the early Christians had very clear expectations of His imminent return; within the next few weeks or months.

Well, it’s over a couple of thousand years since then. That’s rather a long time, certainly just a smidge longer than what they were expecting. And so, it’s easy to get the idea that:

(a) He’s never coming back and it was all a hoax in the first place, or;

(b) Jesus’ return is still a long, long, long way off.

But here’s what Jesus had to say on this very thing:

Mark 13:33-36 Be careful! Always be ready. You don’t know when that time will be. “It’s like a man who goes on a trip and leaves his house in the care of his servants. He gives each one a special job to do. He tells the servant guarding the door to always be ready. And this is what I am telling you now.

You must always be ready. You don’t know when the owner of the house will come back. He might come in the afternoon, or at midnight, or in the early morning, or when the sun rises. If you are always ready, he will not find you sleeping, even if he comes back earlier than expected. I tell you this, and I say it to everyone: ‘Be ready!’

The return of Jesus, could happen today. Oh Berni, don’t be silly, not today! Listen to me, Jesus could return … today, or He could call you home … today. That’s the truth.

So – if that happened – would you be ready?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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