Real Life
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1 Timothy 6:18,19 Tell those who are rich to do good—to be rich in good works. And tell them they should be happy to give and ready to share. By doing this, they will be saving up a treasure for themselves. And that treasure will be a strong foundation on which their future life will be built. They will be able to have the life that is true life.
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Download audio fileSo often, God’s blessing flows in the opposite direction to the world’s blessing. And nowhere is this truer than in our search for real contentment, for deep fulfillment.
Paul the Apostle was a really cool guy. Sure, he lived a couple of thousand years ago but the old Paul really tells it the way it is. The other day, I was reading a letter he wrote to his young protégé Timothy. And in part, this is what he says:
1 Timothy 6:18,19 Tell those who are rich to do good—to be rich in good works. And tell them they should be happy to give and ready to share. By doing this, they will be saving up a treasure for themselves. And that treasure will be a strong foundation on which their future life will be built. They will be able to have the life that is true life.
The more you ponder those words, the more you realise that money doesn’t buy happiness. It doesn’t buy the sort of life that really is life, does it?
So let me ask you something: If you could have the sort of life that Paul talks about here, the sort of life that really is life, what might that look like?
Speaking as someone who for years chased after fulfillment through wealth, I can tell you, you’ll never find it there.
In fact, the only place I’ve found true contentment is in my relationship with Jesus – a relationship that compels you to turn the flow of blessing outward rather than inward.
And in the strangest sort of way, the depth of contentment, the depth of fulfillment in that outward flow … well, that’s exactly where Paul tells us that we’ll find the life that is truly is, life.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Henry Davies
Thanks for your words today,
To be rich in monetary wealth is dangerous territory . When people are trying all types of self satisfying things to find happiness , Not thinking they need God in their lives !.
Yes I know we need so much money these days just to put a roof over our heads and food on our table .
I pray that people governing the country will be guided by God !! to see this wealth distributed more fairly across the human population ! We all need food to live !
Amen 🙏.