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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

When the Storm Blows In

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Matthew 14:22-24 Then Jesus made the followers get into the boat. He told them to go to the other side of the lake. He said he would come later. He stayed there to tell everyone they could go home. After Jesus said goodbye to the people, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. It was late, and he was there alone. By this time the boat was already a long way from shore. Since the wind was blowing against it, the boat was having trouble because of the waves.

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I don’t know about you, but the plan that I have for today, for tomorrow, for the rest of my life, is that everything will always go swimmingly well. Deep down, we know it probably won’t, but that doesn’t stop us from hoping.

Life’s a funny thing. It goes along, for the most part, in a pretty routine, predictable, even at times monotonous sort of way, punctuated by some wonderful highs and some terrible lows.

Sometimes really good things happen to us – a child is born, there’s a promotion at work, or perhaps a great holiday. And that’s great. But other times, a storm will blow in and we’re left wondering – “Where did that come from? Why me? Oh God how long until this is over?”

But let’s just stand back and not be surprised each time. It’s what happens in life. Storms do blow in.

Matthew 14:22-24 Then Jesus made the followers get into the boat. He told them to go to the other side of the lake. He said he would come later. He stayed there to tell everyone they could go home. After Jesus said goodbye to the people, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. It was late, and he was there alone. By this time the boat was already a long way from shore. Since the wind was blowing against it, the boat was having trouble because of the waves.

Would you please notice that it was Jesus’ idea to put His disciples out there alone on that stormy sea. Come on … sometimes these storms are God’s idea because He’s up to something good. He’s about to do something powerful.

Don’t let the storms surprise you and remember, as alone as you may feel, the Jesus who calmed that storm is out there in that boat with you.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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