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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Setan di Akhir Zaman

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2 Korintus 4:3-5 Jika Injil yang kami beritakan masih tertutup juga, maka ia tertutup untuk mereka, yang akan binasa, yaitu orang-orang yang tidak percaya, yang pikirannya telah dibutakan oleh ilah zaman ini, sehingga mereka tidak melihat cahaya Injil tentang kemuliaan Kristus, yang adalah gambaran Allah. Sebab bukan diri kami yang kami beritakan, tetapi Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan, dan diri kami sebagai hambamu karena kehendak Yesus.

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Setan di Akhir Zaman

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Each and every day, as I read the news, as I see how people behave towards one another, the abject evil of so many people in this world just slaps me in the face like a cold fish. It’s astounding, isn’t it?

Of course, not everyone’s evil – but sometimes you look at the political, economic and social systems that we live in and you think to yourself, how did we get to this point? How have we, as people made in God’s image, stooped so low – and not just stooped low, but applauded this behaviour? Why can’t people see this?

Answer: because we’re living in a time when Satan doesn’t even bother hiding anymore, and yet the world still can’t see him. 

2 Corinthians 4:3-5 The Good News that we tell people may be hidden, but it is hidden only to those who are lost. The ruler of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They cannot see the light of the Good News—the message about the divine greatness of Christ. Christ is the one who is exactly like God. We don’t tell people about ourselves. But we tell people that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we tell them that we are your servants for Jesus.

In other words, it’s not their fault. Satan has blinded people to the loving truth of the Good News in Jesus Christ. So, if you’re a believer, if you’re a disciple of Jesus Christ, then don’t blame those evil people and evil systems out there. Don’t rant at them. Don’t shun them.

They can’t see the light of the Good News. Instead, find a way of loving them. Find a way of telling them that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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